quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

Music!!! Singing!!! Music!!! Happy!!!

Hello, today I feel like talking about music! Not about types of music or discussing which one sucks the most! (Even if I have a good opinion about what sucky music is)
I'm talking about expressing your emotions while listening to music! Now you're wondering.. "what the hell does this guy wanna talk about??" well with this I mean! Why do we have to judge the boys and girls singing on the street? I might not really do it, but I damn feel like doing it sometimes! A few months ago I saw a black guy singing some random raggae song (don't know much about it) on the street, he really looked stoned, just like his most presumable idol, Bob Marley.
But at the same time, he looked really happy and confident! Everywhere he was passing people were laughting...! Another example was a girl riding her bike at the Bondegenotenlaan in Leuven, near the cinema, and she was really feeling it! It made me smile.. not laught! And yeahh.. people who laught about this are definitly people who can't enjoy a good moment of their own life at least that's my opinion!! I'm sure you don't judge the "Singing in the rain" guy.. do you? Don't you even feel like singing along? So what's the problem? Are you that jealous of these happy people that want to show everyone how they're feeling? In my case it really makes me happy, and I can even pop just like that in a good mood thanks to a happy singing person!

And when you're on bars you sing don't you?? Why do you do it? because you're enjoying the music.. or just because you want to show that you know the lyrics? just think about it!

Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to discuss about this but my text is kinda short so I want to make it slightly bigger.. see? It's working just here I already have like 2 lines!! :p ====> types of music! Just try not to sing RAP or RNB cause.. sorry, that's not music! I don't like to listen to music where dudes talk about dreaming of beeing pimps and having loads of money and big cars, gold, bling blings (wich is very feminin for big macho guys) all over their necks like if they are doggies.. and what about the expression "What's up dog?" ????!!? Common..

3 comentários:

  1. É mesmo amigo. E com outras coisas se passa o mesmo. Quantas vezes as pessoas saiem de casa e apreciam o verde das folhas ou, nesta altura o acastanhado das folhas que caem? Os ramos desnudados, o cantar dos passaros. Apenas porque é belo e estamos vivos e com saúde?
    É de valor demonstrar-mos a nossa felicidade pelas pequenas músicas. Cantar é apenas mais uma forma de expressão. Quanto ao RAP e ao RNB... patilho da tua opinião. Apenas em casos excepcionais que um dia te mostrarei, gosto de rap.
    Beijo de saudades!

    Susana Rocha FT

  2. I ♥ singing in the street!!! (and in the rain :D ) Doo-dloo-doo-doo-doo-doo...
    Thumbs up for your blog Ricardo!

    Kiss! L.A.

  3. aah RAP são gajos que tentam dizer as suas revoltas todas, sobre a avó a tia o cavaco a sanduiche que tem manteiga em apenas 2 SEGUNDOS... musica? NÃO.
