domingo, 26 de dezembro de 2010

Only to me..

Good morning everyone, here am I at the doctor waiting on a line of 3 persons! Yeahh I know, exciting way to start the day!
I'll explain you how I got to this marvelous position today... well it basically started Saturday evening, I donno what was on my mind but I felt like sleeping on top of my shoulder and yesterday when I got up I had a whole lot of pain all around my shoulder, I tried to put some cream on it and plenty of heat, and by the end of the day it looked like today was going to be less agonizing... well I was wrong... probably just slept some 2 hours tops..
Anyway.. now I'm back at work, and to make things better I still had time to do some sliding on the snow"ice" I think they should really think about salting the roads in Belgium.. just an idea!
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2 comentários:

  1. Ja estou melhor, obrigado =)
    O meu problema é que tenho os ombros que sao mto felxiveis.. por isso saem facilmente do lugar, o que se passou foi que enquanto dormi o ombro ficou numa ma posiçao durante demasiado tempo!
    Agora ja esta a curar fui ao meu fisioterapeuta e ja me sinto melhor, com sorte para a semana ja nao sinto nada ;)
    Beijinhos ***
