quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011

you've been nailified ;)

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Hello Everybody!!!

I know I know.. it's been a while since I wrote something here and I really have to apologize for this.

You see... I have been doing some researches about things.. and stuff.. and some other things.. and I got to the conclusion that this stuff is pretty much a thing that well is impressively... hehe ok enough of bla blaing.
I lied I haven't been doing any type of research... but I did get to a conclusion.. well maybe not a conclusion yet but something that could turn out very much popular between the world population! Of course you're thinking about some kinky stuff... naahh naahhh I don't only think about that kinda stuff.. common you people!!
I was talking about nails!! Nails with the rainbow colours, nails with stars nails with little flowers, fake nails, witch nails, old people nails, and even razor blade nails... I'm saying you see how many people have different nails.. I'm sure that someday even some man will start using it... wait.. did I say start? I think they already are using some of this type of nails! Imagine how boring I am to start talking about this kind of bullshit... but just think.. a world where your ID is registered on your nails! wouldn't that be awesome? you're walking on the street drunk.. or riding your bicycle and then a cop sees you and asks you for your ID.. and instead of just taking an ID card you just show him "The Finger" with your ID info... I'm not saying you would have your photograph on it just some kind of barcode or ship that would help them identify you. Dunno.. I'm just saying :p
But thinking again... if everyone used it on the middle finger the gesture would totally lose it's meaning... so people would have to invent a new way to express disrespect or unfriendliness to the targeted person... here is a suggestion: Moon the guy!!
Of course that nails grow pretty fast, but I am thinking of a machine belonging to the government that would be located on your street where you could go every week and renew it.. this is also a good way to keep people with a leach... hmmm this might be a bad thing that I am saying... hope that no high responsible for a country finds this post otherwise I will have a lot of people hating me! hehe
well farewell and may the strong nails stay with you!

I know I am kinda excluding people without a hand or the finger... but I am not going to make any comment about this cause it's not funny!
But don't worry cause when this happens people will all have bionical hands and limbs or even organs.. remember this is for a future far from now.. but it will happen! I'm sure it will...
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terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011


A month as passed since de beginning of 2011, I've finished the loan for my motorcycle, had a short trip to Portugal where I could get reunited with my family and friends... I wish I could've stayed longer... but anyway, next time will be better!
I've been going out a little more.. Café Allée.. nice bar by the way, probably one of the most living bars in the Oudemarkt.. I don't know if you know it but there if you ask for a beer they will give you a beer in a small glass, but if you order a big glassed beer you'll get one for the same price ;) I'm telling you this because before every time I would go there I would forget to ask for big ones and my bro's would start complaining about it :D The difference now is that it feels more and more like if it's my bar... so last month I didn't even get mistaken once ;)
I've also planned some trips.. that I surely hope they will happen.. one of them is going to be on the 5th of February, I'm going to try snowboarding for the first time... haha yeah yeahh.. I'm sure you'll be laughing your asses out!! bla bla ;p I'll make sure there will be some videos of my amazing back flips front flips side flips.. all at 90° ;) hahah.. I'll try not to have a 180... otherwise I could seriously damage my neck or back... hhrrmmm and maybe someday you'll see my awesome 360°'s ;)
At the moment I'm really really excited by all this stuff that I am going to do, specially the tattoo... it's an amazing drawing! Really looks like it was made for me it will look awesome!! haha
It will start the 9th... and I will definitely keep you posted with the step by step of this masterpiece!! ;)
Thank you for taking your time and reading my stuff!
See ya
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quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

Music!!! Singing!!! Music!!! Happy!!!

Hello, today I feel like talking about music! Not about types of music or discussing which one sucks the most! (Even if I have a good opinion about what sucky music is)
I'm talking about expressing your emotions while listening to music! Now you're wondering.. "what the hell does this guy wanna talk about??" well with this I mean! Why do we have to judge the boys and girls singing on the street? I might not really do it, but I damn feel like doing it sometimes! A few months ago I saw a black guy singing some random raggae song (don't know much about it) on the street, he really looked stoned, just like his most presumable idol, Bob Marley.
But at the same time, he looked really happy and confident! Everywhere he was passing people were laughting...! Another example was a girl riding her bike at the Bondegenotenlaan in Leuven, near the cinema, and she was really feeling it! It made me smile.. not laught! And yeahh.. people who laught about this are definitly people who can't enjoy a good moment of their own life at least that's my opinion!! I'm sure you don't judge the "Singing in the rain" guy.. do you? Don't you even feel like singing along? So what's the problem? Are you that jealous of these happy people that want to show everyone how they're feeling? In my case it really makes me happy, and I can even pop just like that in a good mood thanks to a happy singing person!

And when you're on bars you sing don't you?? Why do you do it? because you're enjoying the music.. or just because you want to show that you know the lyrics? just think about it!

Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to discuss about this but my text is kinda short so I want to make it slightly bigger.. see? It's working just here I already have like 2 lines!! :p ====> types of music! Just try not to sing RAP or RNB cause.. sorry, that's not music! I don't like to listen to music where dudes talk about dreaming of beeing pimps and having loads of money and big cars, gold, bling blings (wich is very feminin for big macho guys) all over their necks like if they are doggies.. and what about the expression "What's up dog?" ????!!? Common..

segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2011

Excelente!! / Excellent!!

Um Bêbado chega a minha rua na sua lambreta! Da uns giros com ela pk estava a tentar acelerar mas ela nao queria mexer.. (so lhe faltava engatar a mudança)!
Apos umas 3 ou 4 voltas a utilizar as suas proprias pernas, notou que tinha dispensado toda a sua energia para voltar para casa! Entao decidiu entrar no meu café.. a mandar umas palavras em francês misturadas com portugues (estava com um sotaque.. diga-se BLOBLY) ;)
Apos isso pediu um cafézito para poder arrebitar as ideias! Começa a ter uma conversa com Deus a partir da santa chávena de café que lhe foi servido... haa.. peça importante, para invocar Deus deitou um bocado de café para o chao! Nada de mais!
la estava ele a mostrar as suas qualidades linguisticas.. desta vez a misturar ja com o fondue de frances e portugues um toque de ingles! Foi lindo de se ouvir... ou nao.. ;)
Depois la foi embora... pegou na motoreta.. la caiu com ela para a direita e depois, por ter gostado da sua experiencia anterior, caiu para a esquerda, onde acabou por partir o espelho (7 anos de azar.. que a meu ver deve ter sido somado aos ja 7 anos de azar que ja estavam a decorrer!)
La consegui por a mota de pé.. e... vejam o video!

PS:o café ficou no chao até ele ir embora, e sinceramente depois de baloiçar por todo lado, estou pasmado em como ele nao chegou a calcar o bom pedaço de café que la estava!


A drunk guy arrives to my café's street on his tiny moto! He is making a few loops round and round trying to accelerate! Surpisingly because he didn't clutch the gear the moto was only making noise... AFter 3 to 4 circles using his own legs to move the moto he realized he used up all his power.. he needed fuel!
So he decided to get in and ask for a coffe... but for that he was throwing out a few words in french and by the end the only thing that was understandable was "Café" hehe but I can totaly and sincerily admit that the guy was a linguistic drunken master... hhrrrummmm
After hearing him talk in that blooberry language we gave him a coffee.. guess he thought it would help him get some energy and courage to go back.. where he comes from!
He started talking to the spirits trough the cup of coffee and as a sacrifice he poored some coffee on the floor so he could really get to talk with GOD! With this he started mixing up french, portuguese.. and if I'm not mistaken some english too.. not quite sure!! But you can always help out identifing this guy's unbeatable language skills.
After this he decided to leave! Took the moto! Fell to the right fell to the left and ended up braking the mirror of his moto! (but I'm sure that by the luck this guy was having untill now he just added some 7 years of bad luck on top of his previous ones!)
After that he made it putting the moto standing.. and.. watch the video ;)

ps: the coffee that was on the floor untill he left, and honestly, I have no idea how he did to not once step on it while he was "dancing" around it, cause it was a really nice amount of it!

domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

12 a 16 de Janeiro!!

Aqui estou eu.. de regresso ao pais que me acolheu e me deu trabalho.. neste momento estou no avião e pela janela vejo um
infinito de luz branca e de azul. Sinceramente nem sei dizer onde estou nem a que altitude, nem lugar.. o que sei é que a
minha cabeça esta tanto em Portugal quanto a uns poucos anos luz da terra numa outra galáxia ou numa dimensão de pensamento totalmente oposta a minha realidade.. sinceramente estou com problemas a digerir esta minha ida a Portugal.. fiz tanta coisa que queria ter feito.. outras que acabei por não fazer.. tanto por tempo.. e outras por receio.. Posso sem duvida dizer que apreciei a visita de todos os que encontraram um tempo para passar comigo, mesmo se limitado para alguns!

PS1: Estando já à cerca de uma hora no avião ainda vejo todos os flashes deste meu tempo em Portugal!

Gostava de ter prolongado esta minha visita.. muita coisa, e como já referi previamente não pensava que se fosse acontecer
desta forma há um ano! Reee-encontrei ;) uma pessoa que sempre estimei e que provou essa minha razão de tanto a apreciar! You're awesome!! (tipo Barney de How I Met Your Mother)
Hoje foi um dia muito difícil para mim, há muito que não tinha um dia como este.. porque voltar a ver os teus amigos, família e ainda outras pessoas conhecidas, fez me entrar num estado melancólico, talvez por sentir falta de fazer estas coisas com todos vos.. mas também por voltar à Bélgica e sem ter alguém à minha espera no aeroporto.. ainda bem que após estes 4 anos a la morar criei um grupinho de amigos em quem posso confiar! Mas sinceramente.. Falta-me algo.. sinto falta de falar em Português constantemente.. até acabei por me comprar dois livros, um do Nuno Markl e outro de Ricardo Araújo Pereira. E ainda mais duas revistas!
Para ser sincero... cada vez que andava num lugar publico em Portugal e ouvia as pessoas a falar sentia-me num outro sitio, nem sabia se estava em Portugal ou se na Bélgica.. ou se em outro mundo! Este fim-de-semana passou-se tão rapidamente que nao consigo diferenciar o que é real ou não.. Não me incomodo de estar na Bélgica e falar Francês, Flamengo ou Inglês.. mas preciso de algo que me mostre que la no fundo... sou Português!

PS2: Ainda agora espreitei mais uma vez pela janela e vi o mar a emergir-se com a terra.. imagino que estejamos de momento no espaço aerio francês! Daqui a aproximadamente meia hora já devemos chegar à Bélgica!

Prontos vou parar de vos encher dos meus pensamentos por agora.. mesmo que a minha cabeça esteja a arrebentar de tanto "matutar"!
Este blog vai ser a minha forma de me exprimir em quase todos os níveis.. também não vou começar a falar da minha vida sexual aqui :p
Ultima mensagem para as pessoas que se importam! Obrigado pelo apoio que me têm dado! E espero voltar a ver-vos cedo e de boa saúde!
Beijinhos e Abraços!!


sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011

2011 não podia ter começado melhor!! =D

Bom dia a todos!!

Hoje vou escrever em Português assim todos os lusitanos são capazes de ler o que escrevo! E também para ver se tenho mais respostas desta forma já que os flamengos não têm tempo de ler o que escrevo... "sshhtt"!!
Hoje quero partilhar um feito incrível que tive ontem! Bem vamos lá a isto, estou contentíssimo, feliz, entusiasta (quase tanto como a primeira vez que vi o Son-Goku a transformar-se em super guerreiro pela primeira vez) em vos transmitir que dei por completo o pagamento da minha mota.. uns mesitos mais cedo do que o previsto, por isso mais uma vez.. estou em PULGAS!!! A minha mota é a primeira coisa que me pertence e de que me orgulho de dizer que é minha! Ninguém ma pode tirar.. a não ser que apanhe tal multa que me tirem a carta :( mas não pensemos nisso.. este momento é suposto ser de positivismo!! hehe
Este ano quero viajar muito, gostava de ir a Holanda, França, Alemanha.. tudo na mota! E ainda outras viagens de avião.. mas isto fica guardado para um outro post! Para quem tiver vontade de dar estas voltas comigo podem sempre dizer alguma coisa!! =)

Um outro tópico que me enche de alegria, é que estou a poucos dias de regressar a Portugal num período de 4 dias (eu sei não é muito, e ja tenho quase todos os minutos em que aí estarei agendados)!
Tenho uns poucos jantares marcados, como cada vez que ai vou convido sempre o pessoal a vir comer uma Francesinha ao meu café, isto vai se passar novamente... ja agora Obrigado =)
Vou ter também um Jantarzito com o pessoal da escola primaria e secundaria.. e estou bem curioso por ver o quanto todos nos mudamos e que feitos já atingimos!
E um outro.. muito especial para mim vai ser o jantar de Natal com a famelga =D Estou com uma pica do caraças!! hehe

Bem... acho que este post esta por letras de acabar ;) e alguns smilleys e etc.. :p

Como sempre!! Fico a espera de comentários!!

Beijinhos e Abraços

Até Breve =)

quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011

Good Morning!!!

Here is an answer for Jack's question...

I am wondering how many times you go somewhere in the morning, while in Belgium, and have a person smiling at you in such a nice and warm way that it ends up changing your mood to a colourful day (not that I wasn't but..).. it just never happened to me.. up till today! I was walking up the stairs from the central station in Brussels and then I looked left and saw a Panos (for those who don't know what that is, it's a breakfast place where you can get your coffee, croissants, sandwich.. and more). Anyway.. I went there and what was the surprise when I see the manager talking with everyone with such a big smile, ear to ear, and a great mood (maybe he just had a great one night stand.. or became a father.. or was just a nice gay guy that was really happy with the way 2011 started for him) he was even asking people he didn't know, how they were if they had a good night, bla bla.. I think that made my day.. because I've never seen it here (Belgium), I'm not saying it happened everyday in Portugal but at least it was something you'd see quite ofthen.. Conclusion.. thank you nice person at Panos I'm sure you're making a lot of people happy today!

Have a Woooooooonderfull day!!! And remember SMILE lol